GBH International Facilities Management LLC: Open interview opportunity to fill some vacant positions | Vacancies July 2021

About GBH International Facilities Management LLC

Formed with the intention of being able to offer the customers the most complete solutions for their problems. By having more efficient approaches than the traditional way of managing and organizing a construction project.

Primarily established to give the customers expert solutions their problem, whether it is Industrial, Commercial, or Residential units. Having successfully executed a lot of projects from wide variety of customers, GBH is aiming to still keep the customers satisfied by their work and keep improving to be the better version of now.

Mission & Vision


Combining the best access to the highest quality, localized services GBH is aiming to provide the most innovative and sustainable settlement to all of the clients to help them solve their complicated problems and challenges that is blocking the way to the completion.

Moreover, GBH also aim to enhance the customers’ services every step of their way towards their journey of providing the best services for their customers’ satisfaction.


Aiming to be the leading of facilities management services company and providing great services with both of them having technologically advanced and environmentally friendly equipment’s and tools to create more efficient services and less pollution output issued into the world.

GBH wanted to achieve the goal while still remain viable to every commercial, industrial, and residential space.


Delivering as many services as possible is always the objective, that includes:

Electromechanical Equipment Solutions

Having a dedicated technicians and engineers that have a sole focus to provide the customers with the best electro mechanical services.

Commercial Mobilizations

Providing the most professional consultancy services to the property owners to assure the proper handover process between both parties.

Specialist Supplier Management

Acting as the managing agent among the owner and the service provider of special equipment like lifts, firefighting equipment, CCTV & PA system, water treatment plants and a lot more.

Operation & Maintenance

Having the expertise to carry out Operations & Maintenance and having a dedicated hands-on experience team with having approximately 75 years of experience in handling all kinds of thing related turbines.

Home Maintenance

With a professional service, affordable prices, and fast appointment arrivals, the company provides the most efficient and effective services aimed for the way out of customized home maintenance solutions.

Energy Management

Providing the expert advice and solution to the customers to achieve the optimum utilization of energy with environmentally friendly green choice to power their operations.

Facility Management

With the main focus of improving the quality of the customers’ operations by delivering the highest support services quality.

The facilities management services are aimed to enhance and integrate the people, place, process and the technology.

Computer Aided Facilities Management

The Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM. software platforms simplify the facility management and maintenance services. Combining the CAD images such as floor plans with the data analysis to offer an easy view of assets to use as the solution of the client’s problem.

Artificial Intelligence (AI. Engineering)

In the Artificial Intelligence Engineering, cutting-edge energy efficient solutions such as the machine learning framework is offered to minimize the overall energy consumptions of the equipment.

Solar Energy Solutions

The company is taking care of everything that goes into the installment of the roof top solar energy system. The solar energy and decentralized energy installations are accessible across varied geographic area.

The Launch of The Firm’s New FM Division

The best way of managing any transformational changes within a company is through evolution and adaptation. This was the philosophy followed by the CEO Raman V.

For Raman, to achieve growth, a company needs to continuously improving facilities and property department to evolve with the business. By having those goal, the company is finally formed its FM division.

Launch During the Pandemic

Raman admitted that the Covid 19 has a massive impact to the industry. But due to the company’s resilience and proud work ethos the company can finally decrease the issues that most of the other company could not do.

GBHIFM provides a range of smart, innovative facilities management solutions targeting the cost effective and sustainable results at the clients’ workplace.


Working with this company will give you some of the best and most important experiences you have ever had for your career going forward. The company has a really fun workplace where you can relax and have fun while still working hard to finish the task that the company is giving to you.

To work in this place, you have to be qualified and pass all the test that the company gives to you during the screening program.

The company believes in giving the best they could do to their employees, so a lot of stuff will be given to you for the assurance of your wellbeing.

About Jobs opportunities

Currently the recruitment division of GBH International Facilities Management LLC is opening multiple job opportunities.

Eligibility Criteria

Job Location: Dubai

Education: Equivalent degree/diploma holders

Experience: Must be experienced

Candidate’s Availability: Inside UAE

Interview Date: this interview opportunity starts from July 10th to July 16th, 2021

When: from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM

Location: Office #605, Al Zarouni Business Center, Al Barsha, Dubai UAE

Must Carry: CV

List jobs opportunities: GBH International Facilities Management LLC

  1. HVAC Technicians. <== Apply here
  2. Electricians. <== Apply here
  3. Plumbers. <== Apply here
  4. Carpenters. <== Apply here
  5. Helpers. <== Apply here
  6. Multi Tech (MEP). <== Apply here
  7. FM Supervisors. <== Apply here
  8. Cleaning Supervisors. <== Apply here
  9. Cleaners. <== Apply here
  10. Masons. <== Apply here

How to apply:

Please submit your CV by clicking the blue link “<== Apply Here | List of jobs opportunities: GBH International Facilities Management LLC”, or you can come directly to join a job interview, with the time and place that we have provided above.

To send your CV please send it to the email address: [email protected] or contact #04 5655250

Good luck to you.

Jobs Archives GBH International Facilities Management LLC

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